
On-Demand Webinar

Be an Automation Hero: Unleash Your Superhuman Abilities

Facing increased workloads, fewer resources, and waiting for someone to come save the day? Never fear, Fortra’s Automate is here! Automate takes the power of robotic process automation (RPA) to new heights using four distinct capabilities. These superpowers come together to turn anyone—regardless of coding experience—from a zero to an automation hero. In this on-demand webinar, Darrell Walker,...

Automated Integration: The Fuel for Your Digital Transformation

As organizations embrace digital transformation, there are certain concepts and technologies that are crucial to maximizing the benefits. The various types of automation are essential for achieving your digital transformation, but without application integration, you could end up with a tangled mess of siloed applications and systems. And while automation and application integration may seem like...

The 10 Principles of Automation

Our experts developed the following best practices for easing automation implementation and advancing automated operations over the course of 30 years of working to help businesses make their processes more efficient. Let the countdown begin!

Is the AS/400 Dead?

Many IT professionals still use the term AS/400. But can a platform that was introduced in 1988 still be relevant today? The answers typically surprise people.
On-Demand Webinar

DB2 Web Query Is Unsupported. Now What?

Using an outdated business intelligence solutions like Query/400 or an unsupported product like Db2 Web Query for i can put limitations on your data. Watch this video to learn how you can unlock your data’s full potential by using Sequel.

What to Look for in Web Scraping Tools

The internet provides all the information you could ever want, right at your fingertips. While it’s made accessing information—like market research, stock information, and content aggregation to name just a few—much easier, manually grabbing data from websites can still be a daunting, time-consuming task. By investing in web scraping software web scraping software, you can streamline workflows...