

The Road To Security Starts with a Security Scan

Sometimes, there are known vulnerabilities that clearly need to be mitigated as soon as possible—such as application users running with *ALLOBJ special authority. But, often there isn’t a thorough understanding of what’s wrong with a server’s configuration or what should be addressed first.

Protecting Your Data—How Much Security Is Enough?

As organizations become increasingly aware of the need to protect their data, the question that needs to be answered is how much security is enough? Unfortunately, that’s one of those “it depends” questions. Each organization must consider their own requirements before confidently answering that question. This document discusses those considerations.

Beyond Cron, Part II: Practical Task Scheduling Deployment

One of the best things about the UNIX environment (aside from being stable and efficient) is the vast array of software tools available to help you do your job. Traditionally, a UNIX tool does only one thing, but does that one thing very well. For example, grep is very easy to use and can search vast amounts of data quickly. The find tool can find a particular file or files based on all kinds of...

The Business Case for Focusing on IBM i Security: Close Security Gaps to Avoid a Data Breach

The cost of a data breach can throw businesses into turmoil and derail careers. And that cost continues to rise. The potential for significant damage is massive on servers like IBM's Power Systems servers running IBM i, because they’re widely used for database management, financial data processing, and business intelligence—all mission-critical applications and workloads. While servers running...

Download “Identity & Access Management for IBM i”

Insiders are responsible for 34 percent of data breaches—and insiders are also the most difficult threat to control control on IBM i. You can't lock them out completely because your IBM i users need at least some level of access to do their jobs. So, how do you ensure users have only the access they need without overburdening IT with manual processes that...

Secret Capabilities of Robot Schedule Revealed

We recently surveyed our Robot Schedule technical support group for “ah ha!” moments that they’ve helped customers realize over the past few years. These tips from our tech gurus have helped customers automate jobs that needed to check a data area before running, track non-Robot jobs for reporting purposes, and check the status of a file before running a job.

What Makes the Good Morning Report So Good?

There is nothing like waking up to find the latest news delivered right to your doorstep, waiting for you on the printer, or sent to you electronically. For years, our customers have started their days reading the Good Morning report from Robot Schedule.

Using NFS with Webdocs – iSeries

Webdocs – iSeries references the documents it stores by an IFS (Integrated File System) path. There is, however, no requirement that the IFS path refer to a file system on local disk. In fact, for many Webdocs iSeries implementations, it is advantageous to store some or all of the documents from Webdocs on remote file systems that are shared using NFS (Network File System) and mounted into the IFS...

Anti Malware for Linux, AIX, and IBM i Servers

When Malware Attacks Your IBM i, AIX, and Linux Servers Guide Malware and ransomware attacks have increased, halting day-to-day operations and bringing organizations to their knees. Businesses know anti malware is essential to protecting PCs from malicious programs, but many don’t realize the value of server-level protection until the damage is done. This guide examines the real-world...

iSeries Penetration Testing

Simple penetration tests help determine if a policy breach will be prevented and ensure that interested parties receive alert notifications. Failed tests might be indicative of a problem with product activation, or an incorrect or outdated Exit Point Manager IBM i rule set.

What’s New in V7R3 Security?

V7R3 provides some new and changed features in the IBM i integrated auditing function as well as a new feature that will take the guesswork out of implementing object-level security. I want to save the best for last, so I’ll start with the updated auditing features. New and Changed Auditing Features The CP (Changes to User Profiles) audit journal entry has always contained useful information...

Controlling SQL Updates Using Powertech Exit Point Manager for IBM i

Over the years, users have relied on commands like STRSQL and RUNSQL to provide instant and powerful access to the data on their Power Systems™ servers. All types of users—from programmers to system administrators to end users—use these commands as their primary interface for extracting and updating data. However, allowing a user to view, update, and even delete data without any control by the...

Download "IBM i User Provisioning"

Even when user profiles are painstakingly set up, keeping them consistent and secure can be an uphill battle. All it takes is one over-privileged user and your most critical data could be changed, deleted, or worse. You need help—not only to set up new users with discretion, but also to keep them consistent across roles, departments, and systems. Our exclusive white paper includes expert advice...