
News Article

Keeping Personal Data Secure

With the rise in phishing attacks and identify theft, Ciaran Rafferty, Managing Director, Email Security at Fortra looks at emerging trends and ways organizations can keep their sensitive data secure. He also provides an update on what to expect from Fortra in 2022.
News Article

Your Money or Your Business: Beating the Business of Ransomware

Ransomware is big business. Attacks have evolved to become more complex, damaging and far reaching. In Teiss magazine, Mieng Lim, VP of Product Management, provides advice on how to protect against ransomware and prevent cybercriminals from penetrating an organization's defenses.
News Article

Forbes: How to Reduce Your Risk of Identity Theft

What can cybercriminals do with your stolen information and how can you protect yourself from being a victim of this rising crime? Writing for Forbes, cybersecurity expert John Wilson of Fortra provides six steps to help guard against identity theft.
News Article

Workplace Mentoring for Cybersecurity Talent

Adam Burns, Director of Cybersecurity at Digital Guardian, writes in Teiss magazine about the importance of workplace mentoring in building and maintaining cybersecurity talent.