

Is the AS/400 Dead?

Many IT professionals still use the term AS/400. But can a platform that was introduced in 1988 still be relevant today? The answers typically surprise people.

Data Classification and Data Loss Prevention (DLP): A Comprehensive Data Protection Strategy

Data is the world’s currency and has been for some time. Protecting data should be at the top of the list for organizations of any size, and the heart of any security strategy. Think about it: the purpose of any firewall, email solution, compliance regulation, or XDR platform is to keep data safe. Why not cut to the heart of it with a dedicated Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution? And why not...

4 Ways You Can Use Your Digital Rights Management Tool

Digital Rights Management tools can help give your organization the highest level of control and visibility possible over its data. Here are 4 ways to use it.

Data Classification Best Practices

Data classification tools not only help organizations to protect their data, they also help users understand how to treat different types of data with different levels of sensitivity. Automation plays a central role in data governance and helps to maintain the required balance between technology and people-focused training to achieve an inclusive security culture.

4 Data Access Strategy Mistakes to Avoid

Find out how you can improve productivity with better data access. Learn what roadblocks you need to avoid in your goal to improve productivity.

Multinational Healthcare Organization Implements Fast, Easy, and Secure Data Reporting

Making data accessible and ensuring data privacy are essential in today’s healthcare market. One multinational healthcare organization faced inefficient processes that slowed them down. Employees around the organization were left waiting for reports with vital information like admissions, discharges, bills, and collections. So, they turned to Sequel Data...

Access Data While Maintaining IBM i Security

Why do you need extra data access security on IBM i? Find out. Plus, learn how to secure data access, let users analyze data, and distribute data securely.

Database Transaction Log Management

Don't let database transaction logs weigh you down. Find out how to preserve data integrity and consume less disk space.

What Can IBM i Offer IT's Young Guns?

IT personnel naturally have their fingers on the pulse of today's innovations and one eye fixed on the future. As a result, each rising generation of systems administrators and application developers seems convinced that they know better than their forefathers and can remedy all kinds of issues with new tools and tricks. Unfortunately, this appetite for innovation can cause overzealous...