

Infographic: the History of the Signature

We’ve come a long way from scratching marks and painting scenes on the inside of caves. Today, everyone has a signature. We sign everything from legal documents, to restaurant receipts and package delivery forms. It wasn’t always like this. Check out the full history of the signature.

IT Risk Mitigation

It's a brave new world for IT. And it often seems impossible to predict future demand and guard against performance risks. You have mountains of data, scalable cloud infrastructures, and a complex web of IT environments. It's complicated, to say the least. And it's matched by skyrocketing consumer demand for and reliance on online services. Bottom line: outages are more dangerous to a company’s...

Do You Need Enterprise Scheduling Software?

Job scheduling was simpler when you only needed to worry about your IBM i (AS400) server and its batch processes, but several dynamics have changed over the past decade which have forced us into worrying about processes on other platforms.