

What Makes the Good Morning Report So Good?

There is nothing like waking up to find the latest news delivered right to your doorstep, waiting for you on the printer, or sent to you electronically. For years, our customers have started their days reading the Good Morning report from Robot Schedule.

Using NFS with Webdocs – iSeries

Webdocs – iSeries references the documents it stores by an IFS (Integrated File System) path. There is, however, no requirement that the IFS path refer to a file system on local disk. In fact, for many Webdocs iSeries implementations, it is advantageous to store some or all of the documents from Webdocs on remote file systems that are shared using NFS (Network File System) and mounted into the IFS...

Dashboards Don't Work (Unless You Have a Metrics Management Strategy)

Tech has had a tremendous impact on the way today’s businesses seek continued growth and improvement. No matter what business they are in, executives everywhere are investing in technology that improves their business processes, gets them ahead of the competition and widens their margins. Ultimately, the return on that investment is determined by how well technology supports a business’ ability to...
On-Demand Webinar

The Secret to Getting Automation off the Ground

You’ve been running your computer systems through a mishmash of manual run books, built-in schedulers, multiple homegrown scripts, and tribal knowledge for years. Let’s be honest. What’s harder to manage: your systems or your patchwork solutions?
On-Demand Webinar

Next Generation Job Scheduling

Have you seen the new web interface for Robot Schedule? It contains current user favorites, including Schedule Activity Monitor (SAM), plus exclusive new features for diagraming job flows and sharing dashboards.
On-Demand Webinar

Business Process Automation with Robot

Typical “computerized” business processes are a combination of multiple schedulers, operational scripts, CL programs, and manual file checking, all backed up with the trusty runbook. Is there a better way to manage business processes? You bet!