

How To Maintain Your Data Integrity

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) helps ensure that your critical and sensitive data is viewed and changed only by authorized personnel through approved channels. Candidates for FIM include application files containing sensitive data, such as personnel or financial data, and server configuration files.

The Modern Alternative to Authority Adoption

There are several considerations with authority adoption. Each is important but can usually be accommodated. But what is the effect if the program owner has the same or less privileges than the user that called the program?

Stay on Top of Security with Security Scan

Security and compliance adherence has elevated in criticality over the past few years and has now taken its rightful place as a primary IT initiative, alongside virtualization and disaster preparedness. The necessity for better data protection has landed front-and-center in the public eye following some of the largest data breaches on record.

The Road To Security Starts with a Security Scan

Sometimes, there are known vulnerabilities that clearly need to be mitigated as soon as possible—such as application users running with *ALLOBJ special authority. But, often there isn’t a thorough understanding of what’s wrong with a server’s configuration or what should be addressed first.

iSeries Penetration Testing

Simple penetration tests help determine if a policy breach will be prevented and ensure that interested parties receive alert notifications. Failed tests might be indicative of a problem with product activation, or an incorrect or outdated Exit Point Manager IBM i rule set.

Monitor, Capture, and Send Log Events With Powertech SIEM Agent for IBM i

In recent years, regulatory initiatives like Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, PCI, and GLBA have placed increased emphasis on the need to monitor and secure sensitive information. For example, The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard dictates one of the most stringent requirements of all—logs must be reviewed daily, and a minimum of three months of logs must be available for analysis.

Improve Event Auditing Using the System Audit Journal

With any security implementation, established rules become less effective as time passes. Because your security requirements and your systems aren’t static, you must continually audit and adapt your security plan to stay current. Be aware that your system is constantly changing.

What's New for Security in IBM i 7.1

IBM added additional security functions in version 7.1 to further establish the Power Systems IBM i operating system as a world-class securable environment.

Don’t Be Exposed In *PUBLIC!

Security typically operates so that users who are not granted authority have no authority. IBM i security, however, has a unique concept known as *PUBLIC.

Automate 7 Task Builder in Depth

Automate 7 Task Builder now supports multiple tasks within one Task Builder instance. While this has the obvious benefit of increasing the ease of use of editing and creating multiple tasks in one place we've taken it a step further and implemented a feature that many have asked for:

How to Automate Backup & Restore Processes in Automate

In this article we will take a look at the importance of backing up Automate data in order to prevent data loss. We will also learn how to go about backing up remote Automate installations, performing automated backups and achieving data recovery in case data loss occurs despite the best of our efforts and precautions.

Windows Azure Automation

Cloud computing, cloud storage, cloud database…we all have heard about the “cloud.” Cloud computing has gained tremendous visibility in recent years. According to research firm, Gartner, “By 2012, 80% of Fortune 1000 enterprises will be using some cloud computing services, 20% of business will own no IT assets.” In addition, small businesses are attracted to the small startup costs and lower TCO...

Benefits of Web Server Management Console

Just like the desktop version of SMC, the Web SMC is a web-based interface for centralized management and administration, and allows you to graphically manage all elements of the Automate BPA Server including workflows, the Repository, users and agents. You can also access reports and calendars as well as configuring system settings and options.

Using the Dashboard to Drive Your Business Performance

Today’s growing information and communication technology is altering how companies operate and move forward in a global environment. Because of the real-time nature of information being transmitted, organizations need a way to easily track up-to-the minute performance and operational statistics in order to make effective business decisions more rapidly.