

The 10 Principles of Automation

Our experts developed the following best practices for easing automation implementation and advancing automated operations over the course of 30 years of working to help businesses make their processes more efficient. Let the countdown begin!

What is Hyperautomation?

For many organizations, what were once islands of automation are converging. And they’re realizing there’s even more labor in their organizations that can be automated. But to bring it all together, they need a craftier strategy to make it happen. Enter hyperautomation. What started as the latest industry buzzword, has become a critical discipline to add to your digital transformation strategy. ...

What is DORA and How Can You Achieve Compliance?

When searching online for the new EU Regulation for strengthening the cybersecurity of financial entities and their third-party IT providers, called Digital Operational Resilience Act or DORA, it is almost certain that you will stumble upon Dora the Explorer, the famous kids’ animation.

Workload Automation (WLA) vs. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automation remains a popular technology for businesses of all kinds. Within the realm of automation, there are a lot of acronyms representing different tools and approaches—two of the most common are workload automation (WLA) and robotic process automation (RPA). As you plan your strategy, it’s important to understand the differences of workload automation vs. robotic process automation. Both...

Automation vs Hyperautomation: Learn the Differences

Gartner forecast a $600 billion global market in 2022 for technology that powers hyperautomation. Without a doubt, hyperautomation has quickly moved from an industry buzzword to the way companies of all sizes approach automation. Surveys from the technology research and consulting firm show that a majority of CEOs and two-thirds of boards of directors are demanding operational excellence and...

Evolving the Brand From HelpSystems to Fortra: Mike Devine

Over the past year, the chief marketing officer at Fortra has led the company’s effort to build upon its HelpSystems roots and redefine its role as a cybersecurity beacon for threat-weary security professionals. Learn about the monumental effort required to update the brand and why there’s a groundswell of excitement about what it means for the future.

Lessons Learned from IBM's Native Scheduler

The systems that businesses rely on today are increasingly complex and challenging to manage without sophisticated job scheduling tools. According to the annual IBM i Marketplace Survey Results, only 22 percent of IBM i shops are running the IBM i operating system exclusively. 68 percent are also running the Windows OS, another 56 percent are running Linux, and 26 percent are running AIX. That...