

The 10 Principles of Automation

Our experts developed the following best practices for easing automation implementation and advancing automated operations over the course of 30 years of working to help businesses make their processes more efficient. Let the countdown begin!

What is Hyperautomation?

For many organizations, what were once islands of automation are converging. And they’re realizing there’s even more labor in their organizations that can be automated. But to bring it all together, they need a craftier strategy to make it happen. Enter hyperautomation. What started as the latest industry buzzword, has become a critical discipline to add to your digital transformation strategy. ...

Download the "Webdocs Accounts Payable Automation Guide"

Learn About the Inefficiencies of Manual Accounts Payable (AP) Processing and How Webdocs for AP Eliminates Them Labor expenses typically consume 62% of total accounts payable costs. In other words, AP processes are intensive and inefficient when performed manually. Webdocs for AP's automation capabilities pave the way for user and departmental...

What's New in Automate

That latest version of Automate has just been released. Find out more about what's new!

How Fortra Supports the Zero Trust Journey

What Zero Trust means, tips for getting started, and how Fortra solutions support your Zero Trust security journey.

Automation vs Hyperautomation: Learn the Differences

Gartner forecast a $600 billion global market in 2022 for technology that powers hyperautomation. Without a doubt, hyperautomation has quickly moved from an industry buzzword to the way companies of all sizes approach automation. Surveys from the technology research and consulting firm show that a majority of CEOs and two-thirds of boards of directors are demanding operational excellence and...

Preparing for the Impact of PCI DSS 4.0

Stealing credit card data is a perennial favorite of cybercriminals everywhere, whose aggressive tactics to score sensitive accountholder details result in breach after breach for organizations small and large. In its most recent research on payment card fraud, The Nilson Report found $28.6 billion in losses for 2020 (nearly 36% in the U.S. alone),...

The RPA Buyer's Guide

The RPA Buyer's Guide Everyone has repetitive, manual tasks that take up their precious time. They’re tedious to get through and eat up the time you could be spending on more important work. With a robotic process automation (RPA) solution, you can reclaim your time by streamlining your processes. Simply put, RPA is transforming the way businesses operate. RPA solutions are designed to boost...