

6 Users to Put on Your Security Watch List

Most IT teams have processes in place to deal with security threats like malware, spam emails, and brute-force attacks. But while these processes provide relief of mind and protection from external data breaches, it’s not always outside hackers you have to worry about.Sometimes, security threats come from the inside.In this ebook, you'll learn about eight user types we think you should put on your...

The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Secure File Transfer Software

Are you struggling to secure your file transfers? Need to invest in secure file transfer software but aren’t sure where to look? We’ve got you covered. Walk through the buying process, from start to finish, with this free Ultimate Secure Managed File Transfer Buyer’s Guide.

Sequel Data Warehouse

Complete integrated suite of tools to build and manage data warehouses and data mart environments.

MQ Manager

MQ Manager continuously and automatically monitors the seven key components of IBM MQ in order to ensure the flow of data is not disrupted, prevent costly downtime, free up IT resources and reduce operational cost.

Sequel Data Access

Sequel Data Access helps your IT department deliver IBM i and remote data to business users and executives fast.