

How to Handle Explosive IBM i Storage Growth

Data growth projections are simply too big to ignore. It’s essential that IT teams move away from reactive approaches and adopt a sustainable data storage management strategy. This guide is a great resource to get you started.

Sequel Web Interface

Make real-time business decisions, wherever you are, with Sequel Web Interface.

IBM i Can Be Your Data Warehouse

Thanks to Sequel Data Warehouse, shops using both Windows and IBM i can move their essential data storage and reporting back to the more reliable IBM i. See how here.

How Do I Know When I Need a Data Warehouse?

It can be a challendge to bring information together from across disparate sources, especially when the data is stored in different formats or with mismatched identifiers. You're likely to encounter issues that a reporting tool by itself simply cannot solve. Read on to learn why you should consider a data warehouse vs. just a database.