Watch the recordings from Fortra's virtual event with COMMON, where our experts offered insight and examples of how organizations on IBM i can improve their security, operations, business intelligence, and document management strategy.
Our IBM i experts discuss the drawbacks of manual IBM i processing and how Fortra’s Robot Schedule makes automating your IBM i intuitive and effective.
Modernization is more than simply switching from a green screen to a GUI. To have a truly modern IBM i data center, you must consider all areas of IT from your software and applications to your hardware and devices to the processes that support the whole operation. This guides helps you modernize your IBM i from the ground up.
In this video series, Steve Will provides unparalleled insight into how IBM i generates high customer satisfaction and ROI year after year. He also forecasts what the future holds for IBM i and what makes the platform such a great fit for customers looking for a modernized approach to IT – including its cloud compatibility, the ease it brings to modernizing applications, and much more. The topics...
If you've inherited an IBM i and are unfamiliar with the platform, watch this recorded session where our experts share proven strategies for your successful education in IBM i systems management.
Discover what cyber insurance is, the solutions you may need to qualify or lower premiums, and what Fortra offers to assist your IBM i organization with becoming cyber insured.
IBM stopped supporting the critical RUNRMTCMD due to security concerns. Watch this recorded session where our experts reveal how Robot Schedule Enterprise replaces RUNRMTCMD safely and securely.
Infrastructure Protection for Proactive Security
Today’s threat landscape is moving so rapidly that it’s essential to anticipate attacks and adapt your cybersecurity strategy to avoid becoming the next security breach. Such devastating breaches can cripple an organization, slowing or halting day-to-day operations and doing significant harm to a business’ reputation.
Join our infrastructure...
Today’s IT teams need automation tools that can help them plan for tomorrow instead of playing catch-up. In this recorded webinar, IBM i experts introduce you to the final phase of your automation evolution: Robot Schedule.
Why haven’t IT processes kept pace with business changes? Why are you still suffering from downtime as the result of human error? Read this article to see how legacy processing methods are still leading to downtime today—and what you can do to stop it.
This guide explores the limitations of legacy AS400 schedulers, identifies the signs that it’s time for a change, and points to the benefits of automated operations using modern workload automation software built for IBM i.
Your odds of experiencing a data breach are now one in four, but a much larger number of attacks are unsuccessful. So, how are some organizations able to escape an attack unscathed while others suffer crushing financial losses?
The difference is often found in the cybersecurity controls in place to guard mission-critical systems. Of course, the devil is in the details.
In this webinar, IBM i...
Go in-depth on the ransomware attack cycle, the need to protect every endpoint, and how to spot signs of infection before data is encrypted by malicious actors.
Many ERP packages have built-in schedulers. However, these schedulers are typically not flexible or robust enough to meet the needs of even the smallest data center.
Robot systems management solutions can improve processes and enhance the return on investment for new technologies running in modern IBM i environments. Find out how.
Robot has a reputation for providing high-quality systems management software and backing it up with great support. These additional benefits can help you justify the cost of automation at your company.
The threat landscape can be a frightening scene when you look at the malicious attacks and ransomware infiltrating organizations around the globe. The good news: Endpoint antivirus applications are making enormous strides in their ability to protect enterprise-level equipment and data from attack. The bad news: Many companies overlook the need to secure non-Windows infrastructure and focus their...
IBM i expert Chuck Stupca and Chuck Losinski presented an engaging webinar about the unique characteristics of IASPs and how application data can be seamlessly migrated to optimize system processes.