

Tips for Managing Physical, Virtual, Cloud Environments

IT infrastructure is complex today. On-prem. Off-prem. Virtualization. The cloud. It’s up to IT to build this infrastructure, then distribute resources from its many miscellaneous parts to various services in the most efficient way possible. With so many different environments to track—many of them walled off from one another in data silos—service issues can be difficult to diagnose and...

How to Do Cloud Capacity Planning

Operating in the cloud can have some great benefits compared to operating with on-premises software. That’s why surveyed IT professionals predict 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by the year 2020.


VCM allows you to get insight into your hybrid IT infrastructure, eliminate wasted spend, and prevent problems before they occur.

What is a Capacity Management Maturity Model?

Demands for services are increasing. High performance and reliability are expected. Yet budgets, labor and floor space are all being constrained. That’s where capacity management comes in. Capacity management can improve efficiency and guarantee reliability of your business systems.


Webdocs helps you streamline your business processes by managing the entire document lifecycle digitally. That makes it easier for everyone at your organization to get the information they need anytime, anywhere (as long as they’re authorized). Capture Every Document Automate the document capture process—no matter how you receive documents. With Webdocs, you can go beyond just scanning and...