
News Article

Hacking Humans: Unmasking the Deceptive

What are the most common phishing techniques used by cybercriminals? John Wilson joined the Hacking Humans podcast to discuss phishing and email impersonation attacks, and strategies organizations can use to stay safe.
On-Demand Webinar

Fortra’s Adversary Simulation and Red Teaming Solution for Proactive Security

While employing defensive measures to prevent cybercriminals from breaching security measures are critical initiatives, more is needed to protect your infrastructure. Proactive, offensive layered security solutions are now just as much of a necessity. Security teams need to be able to get into the mind of an attacker and see where an organization’s exploitable weaknesses are so they can close them...
On-Demand Webinar

Fortra’s Vulnerability Management Solutions for Proactive Security

Cybersecurity needs have grown well beyond antiviruses and firewalls. Proactive, offensive security measures are crucial to help avoid the damaging effects of an attack, including customer and credibility loss, compliance penalties, and expensive corrective security actions. Fortra Vulnerability Manager, formerly Frontline VM, and beSTORM Dynamic Application Black Box Fuzzer can save your team...
On-Demand Webinar

Infrastructure Protection for Proactive Security

Infrastructure Protection for Proactive Security Today’s threat landscape is moving so rapidly that it’s essential to anticipate attacks and adapt your cybersecurity strategy to avoid becoming the next security breach. Such devastating breaches can cripple an organization, slowing or halting day-to-day operations and doing significant harm to a business’ reputation. Join our infrastructure...
On-Demand Webinar

Email Security Best Practices: How to Protect Against Advanced Threats

Unfortunately, the bad news about data breaches, cybersecurity scams, and email attacks is constant and the numbers are more staggering with each year. Learn which steps to take NOW to protect your organization’s email ecosystem, such as collecting threat intelligence, mitigating against brand impersonation, and training your employees on security awareness, all while maintaining compliance. That...
On-Demand Webinar

How to Prepare for PCI DSS 4.0

PCI DSS 4.0 is here, and you may have questions. Our webinar can help you navigate questions your organization may have in order to get ready for the March 2025 deadline.