
On-Demand Webinar

IBM i Meets Mobile Technology

According to the 2015 IBM i Marketplace Survey, mobile access to IBM i data ranks among the top five IT concerns for the near future. Robot is here to make your mobile initiative easier.
On-Demand Webinar

Business Process Automation with Robot

Typical “computerized” business processes are a combination of multiple schedulers, operational scripts, CL programs, and manual file checking, all backed up with the trusty runbook. Is there a better way to manage business processes? You bet!

Do You Need Enterprise Scheduling Software?

Job scheduling was simpler when you only needed to worry about your IBM i (AS400) server and its batch processes, but several dynamics have changed over the past decade which have forced us into worrying about processes on other platforms.

Automate the Un-Automatable

Automated job scheduling means your batch jobs run smoothly and your stress level goes down, but that’s only half the battle if you’re using labor-intensive, interactive applications that require you to fill out screens to submit a job.

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.

User Interfaces: GUI vs. WUI

You might be asking yourself, “What’s a WUI?” At Robot, WUI stands for web user interface, and we think it has some big benefits that are giving the GUI a run for its money.

Who's Afraid of IASPs?

As IASP technology continues to grow, so will its uses for high availability (HA) and backups. The result of that will be shrinking hardware costs and complexity and increased redundancy.

Download “How IT Professionals Can Navigate PCI DSS Compliance” Guide

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to every organization that processes credit or debit card information. This includes merchants and third-party service providers that store, process, or transmit credit card data.The launch of PCI DSS helped expose serious security shortcomings, failures to follow security best practices, and a...

Get a Handle on Your Job Stream with Forecasting

A Robot Schedule forecast shows you the run activity scheduled for all Robot Schedule jobs over a time period that you specify. Robot Schedule uses the job schedule, job completion history, and any information you add for user jobs, remote prerequisites, and members of remote groups to make its forecast.