

2023 Domain Impersonation Report

Current Domain Threats, Trends, and Techniques Domain impersonation is the foundation for a multitude of online threats. Because a domain is dynamic, identifying when and how it will be used for malicious purposes can be challenging for security teams, and requires constant monitoring for behavior that will validate removal. In the 2023 Domain Impersonation Report, we review look-alike domain...

The Ultimate Guide to Data Protection

We live in a data-driven world. As businesses become more reliant on data and people are more aware of the importance of protecting their personal data, data protection becomes a core part of business success. Download this comprehensive guide to learn: What data protection is Why it is important How businesses can better protect the data they store and process Complete the form to...

Preventing Domain Impersonation

How to Stop Look-Alike Domains and Spoofing In the first half of 2023, cybercriminals targeted company brands using an average of 40 look-alike domains per month. Domain impersonation threats trick users into giving away sensitive information by convincing them an email is from a trusted source or a website is authentic. It’s crucial that companies take preventive measures against look-alike...

Is Your Data Protection Plan Missing Something?

As businesses produce prolific amounts of data, security strategists need to know how to secure it. Without organizing new swaths of information, unstructured data could languish on servers and remain undetected and unprotected. Data protection services are built to help organizations take charge of their digital assets and create a culture of data hygiene that will ensure all data that comes into...
News Article

Digital Journal: FBI’s Warning Around Sextortion Schemes

The FBI has issued a warning about the use of "deepfakes" in a new wave of sextortion schemes. In his interview with Digital Journal, John Wilson examines the techniques used and provides valuable tips to help protect children from such scams.

99% of User-Related Threats Are Email Impersonation Attempts

Threats in corporate inboxes hit new highs with a quarter of all reported emails classified as malicious or untrustworthy. 99% of these threats were email impersonation threats, such as BEC and credential theft lures, that lack attachments or URLs delivering malware payloads. Cybercriminals continue to bypass traditional email security tools and reach end users by impersonating individuals,...

Data Classification and Data Loss Prevention (DLP): A Comprehensive Data Protection Strategy

Data is the world’s currency and has been for some time. Protecting data should be at the top of the list for organizations of any size, and the heart of any security strategy. Think about it: the purpose of any firewall, email solution, compliance regulation, or XDR platform is to keep data safe. Why not cut to the heart of it with a dedicated Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution? And why not...
News Article

Forbes Advisor: Pig-Butchering Scams

In his April contribution to Forbes Advisor, John Wilson discusses the anatomy of “pig butchering” scams and shares insights on how to stay safe in the crypto world.

What Is a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)?

The proliferation of cloud computing has heightened the need for organizations to monitor and manage the safe use of cloud services. Cloud access security brokers, or CASBs, provide the necessary security features to protect cloud-based resources as they’re accessed while also detecting threats and controlling data that flows through the cloud. What Are the 4 Pillars of Cloud Access Security...
News Article

Forbes Advisor: Beware Of Loan Scams

In his latest Forbes Advisor article, John Wilson discusses loan scams and shares 7 red flags to help identify and avoid fraudulent loan offers.