

Download "Secure Inside and Out: Maximizing Intrusion Detection and Prevention on IBM i"

Data leaks and operational disruptions can come from any source—internal or external. To protect sensitive data from modern cyberthreats, all organizations need a robust intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS). The IBM i operating system includes advanced capabilities for detecting and preventing external threats, but there are still gaps that must be filled. Download this guide...

Use Conditional Logic in Sequel Data Access to Convert Data into Meaningful Information

Let’s face it, the amount of data that we have is only continuing to grow, which will become harder to manage and understand. Per IDC Research, 90 percent of data in the world today was created in the last two years, and in 2016, we entered the zettabyte era. A huge challenge for everyone is finding the best way to convert all their data into meaningful information. But that can be tricky. If...

Cracking the Problem of Endpoint Security

Endpoint security has been a hot topic in the technology and corporate sectors for a few years. Especially with the emergence of bring-your-own-device practices, it has become even more critical to put safeguards in place to ensure the security of sensitive information.

How To Maintain Your Data Integrity

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) helps ensure that your critical and sensitive data is viewed and changed only by authorized personnel through approved channels. Candidates for FIM include application files containing sensitive data, such as personnel or financial data, and server configuration files.

How to Go from Simple to Strategic Capacity Management

Capacity Management Strategies If IT was like a restaurant…then capacity management should be like the restaurant manager (aka Maître D’). Unfortunately, too many organizations are using capacity management as the clean-up department. When something goes wrong, capacity management fixes it. And while that used to work, that’s not the best...

DevOps Development: Keeping the Lights On

Overview: The DevOps methodology embodies two core philosophies: decreasing the lead time of software deployment and the automation of delivery and testing. DevOps emerged as a practical response to the agile development movement, in contrast with traditional, phase-based or “waterfall” development, which is inefficient and labor-intensive. Traditional methods should be phased out, and companies...

Capacity Planning

Have you ever experienced an online service outage? It’s like losing half your physical locations without any warning. Downtime is a huge problem. It stops your revenue stream. It compromises customer loyalty. It damages your brand’s reputation. And it wastes hours and IT resources to fix the problem—when it shouldn’t have been a problem to begin with. Isn’t it about time you prevented downtime?...

How “Smash and Grab” Compromises IBM i

During an audit a few years ago, I revealed to the client’s security team that corporate payroll information on every employee, including the CEO, was being archived in an output queue (called PAYROLL) for weeks at a time. Due to poor configuration, this information was accessible to every employee.

Your Biggest Challenge to IBM i User Onboarding

As companies bounce back from recession and place a stronger emphasis on digitally-driven innovations, IT departments are finally receiving the funds they need to hire qualified, new colleagues who can lighten the workload. However, the first order of business will be getting these recent hires up to speed.

Database Transaction Log Management

Don't let database transaction logs weigh you down. Find out how to preserve data integrity and consume less disk space.