

The Difference Between OCR and IDP

Compare optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent document processing (IDP) to learn when to use each to make structured and unstructured data more usable.
News Article

Forbes: How to Reduce Your Risk of Identity Theft

What can cybercriminals do with your stolen information and how can you protect yourself from being a victim of this rising crime? Writing for Forbes, cybersecurity expert John Wilson of Fortra provides six steps to help guard against identity theft.
On-Demand Webinar

Advanced Automation: Injecting JavaScript into Web Browser Actions

JavaScript injection is a very powerful action for web browser automations. This allows users to interact with a website exactly as the website is expecting. Adding JavaScript to Automate’s web browser actions takes your automation a step further, allowing users to build automation that controls the site as a human would when needed. Austin Stanley, Technical Consultant, leads this customer...
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Whether it’s robotic process automation (RPA) or business process automation (BPA), Automate has you covered. Register now to see automation in action and get the chance to ask any questions you might have.

3 Key Differentiators in Matchup of Automation Anywhere vs. Fortra's Automate

Robotic process automation (RPA) is transforming time-consuming, manual processes across industries, with robust growth expected over the next several years, according to recent research. The market is expected to grow from $2.4 billion in 2021 to nearly $6.5 billion by 2025, a 170% increase. Not all RPA solutions work in the same way nor solve the same business challenges, however. As the RPA...