

Fortra’s Email Security Bundles Datasheet

Fortra Email Security makes it easy to deploy interoperable layers of defense that span the entire threat lifecycle from pre-delivery staging to post-delivery via an integrated solution that automates phish reporting, triage, and remediation.

Tripwire Enterprise and IBM i

Many of the world's largest companies rely on IBM i operating on IBM Power Servers as their strategic platform for business-critical activities such as retail, distribution, logistics, banking, manufacturing planning, healthcare, insurance, hospitality management, government administration, and legal case management. Given the widespread use of the IBM i operating system, advanced cybersecurity...
News Article

IT Security Wire: Role of Cybersecurity Tools in Email Protection

Cary Hudgins and Mike Jones recently joined the IT Security Wire podcast to dive into the vital role of email protection in business resilience. Since emails are often the first target for cyberattacks, they discussed cutting-edge solutions and emphasized the need for integrating robust email security with your operating platforms.
On-Demand Webinar

[WEBINAR] Nowhere Left to Hide: Exposing Financial Services Fraudsters Who Hide in Plain Sight

Session DetailsSecurity leaders of financial institutions have some of the most demanding job descriptions in the industry. Threat actors go where the money goes, and let’s just say that a certain industry has a giant sign hanging above it.As teams try to crack down on enterprise security, cybercriminals continue to attack on multiple fronts. With the complexity of the financial sector increasing...
News Article

Manufacturing Business Technology: Security Breach Podcast

Supply chain attacks disrupt not only the targeted company but also the entire logistical and distribution network, posing significant challenges and costs. Theo Zafirakos addresses how companies should respond to the rise in these attacks on Manufacturing Business Technology's Security Breach Podcast.

Managing the Rising Tide of CVEs

If you are watching recent security stats, you’ll likely spot an alarming trend.Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) are on the rise and expected to increase by 25% in 2024, reaching 2,900 CVEs per month¹. It’s not a huge surprise that the number of known vulnerabilities is growing, given the proliferation of systems and software. Unfortunately, average time to remediation is increasing as...

RPA Implementation Guide

Robotic process automation (RPA) implementation is about more than just finding a software tool. RPA can transform your business by simplifying the tedious, repetitive processes holding you back, but to do so, you need a proper RPA implementation strategy.Companies want to embrace the transformative technology but struggle with where to start, what processes to automate, and how to measure the...

3 Components of a Proactive Security Strategy 

Your organization might have many cybersecurity defenses in place, but defenses alone are not enough to protect you from today’s multi-faceted cyberattacks. Proactively adding a layer of offensive security assessment and testing helps you pinpoint your system weaknesses before they are exploited. Proactive security measures help you stay ahead of attackers by:Identifying vulnerabilities and...

How to Automate Login to a Website and Download a File

If you're a developer, scripting automations like webpage logins and file downloads can be fun. But most business users don't have the time or skill for such an undertaking. Learn how robotic process automation (RPA) offers an alternative to scripting and makes it easy to automate login to a website and download a file.