

Understanding The White House’s 2024 Cybersecurity Report

To protect against mounting threats to national security via nation-state cyberattacks, domestic ransomware attacks, and threats to critical infrastructure, The White House issued its 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy. This recently released 2024 report reviews progress made towards achieving those outlined objectives.
News Article

TheMilSource: Where Are We on the US TikTok Ban?

Earlier this year, the US President signed a law that would ban TikTok unless its China-based parent company relinquishes its stake. In his discussion with TheMilSource, Antonio Sanchez shared his take on whether ByteDance would sell its stake.
News Article

Investopedia: How to Report Identity Theft

What should you do if you’ve experienced identity theft? In his discussion with Investopedia, John Wilson highlights the steps to take if your identity is stolen and shares tips on how to prevent it in the first place.

How to Use Upskilling and Reskilling to Scale Your Cybersecurity Team

The cybersecurity skills shortage is not just an ongoing inconvenience—it is a serious vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers. But how can organizations go about patching this gap while the talent gap endures? The answer lies in leveraging the resources you already have on hand: your existing workforce. How do you transform your existing personnel to meet today’s cybersecurity demands?...
On-Demand Webinar

Be an Automation Hero: Unleash Your Superhuman Abilities

Facing increased workloads, fewer resources, and waiting for someone to come save the day? Never fear, Fortra’s Automate is here! Automate takes the power of robotic process automation (RPA) to new heights using four distinct capabilities. These superpowers come together to turn anyone—regardless of coding experience—from a zero to an automation hero. In this on-demand webinar, Darrell Walker,...
On-Demand Webinar

[WEBINAR] Security Leader Panel Discussion

Session DetailsCybersecurity is a team sport. It’s heroes versus adversaries. All for one and one for all. Or else. With mounting cyber threats, tectonic changes in the digital landscape, and AI infiltrating all aspects of business, seasoned cybersecurity leaders turn to fellow practitioners to find solace and solutions. Fortra CISO Chris Reffkin leads a panel of security experts from across the...