
Live Event
Facing increased workloads, fewer resources, and waiting for someone to come save the day? Never fear, Fortra’s Automate is here! Automate takes the power of robotic process automation (RPA) to new heights using four distinct capabilities. These superpowers come together to turn anyone—regardless of coding experience—from a zero to an automation hero. Join Darrell Walker, Solutions Engineer, as he...
News Article

MOTOR: EVs and Cybercrime

What are the cybersecurity must-haves for electric vehicles? In this MOTOR Information Systems article, Antonio Sanchez discusses the EV market and potential cyber threats related to EVs.
News Article

IT Nerd: American Privacy Rights Act Unveiled

The recently unveiled American Privacy Rights Act is a significant step toward establishing a federal data privacy standard in the U.S. Antonio Sanchez spoke with IT Nerd and shared his observations about the legislation.
Live Webinar
JavaScript injection is a very powerful action for web browser automations. This allows users to interact with a website exactly as the website is expecting. Adding JavaScript to Automate’s web browser actions takes your automation a step further, allowing users to build automation that controls the site as a human would when needed. Join Austin Stanley, Technical Consultant, in this customer...