

Google and Yahoo Take Stance on Email Authentication

Google and Yahoo announced new email authentication requirements for those sending email to their users, with a rapid deadline of February 2024. Discover what these requirements mean for your organization, the importance of having Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) in place, and how Fortra can help. ...

How to Recover After Failing a Cybersecurity Audit

While it’s important to adhere to compliance regulations, blunders do happen. What does it mean when these blunders lead to you failing a cybersecurity audit, and how can you recover? Consequences of Failing a Cybersecurity Audit Failing a cybersecurity audit can mean several things. First, there’s the up-front legal fines that come with falling on the wrong side of compliance. Here are a few...

How to Scrape Data from a Website (Tutorial)

Spending too much time going to websites and manually entering data into spreadsheets? While they may seem simple, these types of tasks eat up a great deal of time, and with manual data entry, are incredibly error prone. But with a web scraping tool, you can scrape data from a website, saving your team time and reducing errors. And with the right tool, you won’t need to write a single line of code...

RPA vs. API: Differences and Use Cases

At its very core, the goal of automation is to take routine, repetitive tasks off the hands of time-strapped employees. Robotic process automation (RPA) solutions are designed to do this, but some lack an important feature that can make simplifying your tasks much harder than it needs to be—API connectivity. In this blog, we’re going to take you through the definition of both RPA and APIs, share...
News Article

Hacking Humans: Unmasking the Deceptive

What are the most common phishing techniques used by cybercriminals? John Wilson joined the Hacking Humans podcast to discuss phishing and email impersonation attacks, and strategies organizations can use to stay safe.

What’s New on Release Day 2023.4

In this issue discover how Fortra has strengthened email security and phishing protection with new rules and automation. Additionally, offensive security has added new capabilities, while data security has improved incident workflows for better threat remediation.

What is Hyperautomation?

For many organizations, what were once islands of automation are converging. And they’re realizing there’s even more labor in their organizations that can be automated. But to bring it all together, they need a craftier strategy to make it happen. Enter hyperautomation. What started as the latest industry buzzword, has become a critical discipline to add to your digital transformation strategy. ...