

Top 8 Benefits of Network Monitoring

Lack of network visibility makes life hard for IT. Network monitoring helps you stay ahead of outages with real-time visibility into your network health.

2023 Gone Phishing Tournament Report

Working with Microsoft to create a real-world simulation experience, this report provides a true phishing behavior benchmarking opportunity for organizations worldwide.

How to Recover After Failing a Cybersecurity Audit

While it’s important to adhere to compliance regulations, blunders do happen. What does it mean when these blunders lead to you failing a cybersecurity audit, and how can you recover? Consequences of Failing a Cybersecurity Audit Failing a cybersecurity audit can mean several things. First, there’s the up-front legal fines that come with falling on the wrong side of compliance. Here are a few...

What's New in Automate

That latest version of Automate has just been released. Find out more about what's new!