
News Article

Your Money or Your Business: Beating the Business of Ransomware

Ransomware is big business. Attacks have evolved to become more complex, damaging and far reaching. In Teiss magazine, Mieng Lim, VP of Product Management, provides advice on how to protect against ransomware and prevent cybercriminals from penetrating an organization's defenses.
News Article

Cybersecurity Interview with Mieng Lim

In Unite.AI’s cybersecurity interview, Mieng Lim, VP Product Management at Digital Defense by Fortra, talks about her career at Digital Defense and explains why vulnerability management is fundamental for today’s connected organization.

Use Conditional Logic in Sequel Data Access to Convert Data into Meaningful Information

Let’s face it, the amount of data that we have is only continuing to grow, which will become harder to manage and understand. Per IDC Research, 90 percent of data in the world today was created in the last two years, and in 2016, we entered the zettabyte era. A huge challenge for everyone is finding the best way to convert all their data into meaningful information. But that can be tricky.  If...

Enhance Your Reporting with Sequel Date Functions

Sequel makes it easy to work with your date fields, from converting the numeric or character field into a true date data type field to performing date calculations. Continue reading to learn how to convert non-date data type fields.

How-To: Analyze Year-End Data Quickly with Flexible Client Tables

Year-end reporting is coming… Are you ready? Do you know your options? Are you prepared to collect all of the data you need to see how your company fared for the year? You’re in luck, because Sequel Client Tables make year-end reporting a breeze. Drill down into the level of information you need for your reports. Compare data across multiple years to spot trends and add context. And highlight...