Join IBM i expert Chuck Losinski on November 20th to learn how to solve the mystery of where your disk space is going and how to make cleanup a breeze.
Cybersecurity isn't just about defense—it's about understanding the offense. With penetration testing, organizations can learn to think like an attacker and develop more proactive strategies that anticipate attacks. In this guide, explore 5 scenarios that provide insight into the methods and techniques deployed in real-world pen testing engagements, including: Using a password spray attack to...
Watch a sampling of Terranova Security's cyber security training video lessons. Experience the industry’s highest-quality security awareness training content.
Access free security awareness training content on a variety of important topics, including phishing, social engineering, ransomware, passwords, and much more.
Fortra Email Security makes it easy to deploy interoperable layers of defense that span the entire threat lifecycle from pre-delivery staging to post-delivery via an integrated solution that automates phish reporting, triage, and remediation.
Supply chain cyberattacks can trigger widespread disruptions, impacting multiple business functions and areas with compounded, cascading effects. In this article in Supply Chain Digital, Theo Zafirakos outlines strategies companies can put in place to guard against supply chain attacks.
Your organization might have many cybersecurity defenses in place, but defenses alone are not enough to protect you from today’s multi-faceted cyberattacks. Proactively adding a layer of offensive security assessment and testing helps you pinpoint your system weaknesses before they are exploited. Proactive security measures help you stay ahead of attackers by:Identifying vulnerabilities and...
Cyber attacks are common, with 89% of companies experiencing an attack in the last 12 months*. It’s time to stop asking if attacks will occur and start asking if you can stop attacks from being successful. One of the best ways to answer this question is by employing a proactive security program. Using assessment and testing to harden your cybersecurity measures, proactive security: Uncovers...
About Fortra’s Release Day
Each quarter, we at Fortra get to roll out the fruits of our labors for the past few months. We showcase new features, updates, and even products.
This Release Day features several groundbreaking projects. We’ve broken into the XDR arena and are thrilled to introduce you to our new offering. We’ve issued major releases for over a half-dozen of our flagship products....
Working with Microsoft to create a real-world simulation experience, this report provides a true phishing behavior benchmarking opportunity for organizations worldwide.
Preview the latest global phishing benchmarking results and expert security awareness recommendations from Fortra's Terranova Security 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament.
AI is changing the game of phishing and making attacks sharper than ever. Combining AI capabilities with the human mind might be the secret to staying on top of the game.
Document Management Solutions (DMS) impact productivity and efficiency at nearly every level of modern business. Discover the top five business efficiency goals you can achieve with a DMS and how you can get started.
Mike Devine spoke to Technology Record about security awareness program best practices and Fortra’s comprehensive anti-phishing strategies that help educate employees to recognize phishing attempts.
How can organizations stay safe in the age of AI? In this Technology Record article, Theo Zafirakos discusses the dangers of AI and provides expert insights on mitigating those risks.