

Intermapper Flows

Intermapper Flows is a tightly integrated component of Intermapper’s network monitoring, mapping, and alerting suite of tools.

Intermapper Remote Access

Intermapper Remote Access extends the reach of Intermapper by giving you and your staff access to maps, submaps, and configuration options, regardless of your location.


Intermapper is an enterprise monitoring, mapping, and alerting tool that helps network administrators maintain healthy IT environments.

The Modern Alternative to Authority Adoption

There are several considerations with authority adoption. Each is important but can usually be accommodated. But what is the effect if the program owner has the same or less privileges than the user that called the program?

Stay on Top of Security with Security Scan

Security and compliance adherence has elevated in criticality over the past few years and has now taken its rightful place as a primary IT initiative, alongside virtualization and disaster preparedness. The necessity for better data protection has landed front-and-center in the public eye following some of the largest data breaches on record.

The Road To Security Starts with a Security Scan

Sometimes, there are known vulnerabilities that clearly need to be mitigated as soon as possible—such as application users running with *ALLOBJ special authority. But, often there isn’t a thorough understanding of what’s wrong with a server’s configuration or what should be addressed first.

What Can Intermapper Monitor?

What can Intermapper monitor? Just about anything. Learn how to monitor any device with an IP address, making your network visibility as comprehensive as possible.