

How to Evaluate MFT Vendors

Choosing a robust MFT solution requires careful consideration of your business file transfer needs. Evaluate possible solutions with an eye towards performance, features, service and ROI.

Top 3 IT Strategies for Optimizing Productivity

IT professionals today encounter more challenges than just convincing upper management to increase the budget. Read on to learn how your peers overcome everyday obstacles in the workplace and optimize their productivity – even as new fires pop up around them.

The Evolution of Cybersecurity Solutions for Organizations

In the early days of the internet, cybersecurity was fairly straightforward, with all solutions and strategies geared toward prevention. While prevention remains critical, cybersecurity has also had to evolve, with businesses layering their defenses and regularly evaluating the status of their safeguards to adapt to change—whether those be organizational or within the wider cybersecurity sphere.

How to remove the data security risk from file transfers

Organizations that allow the use of free or unsecured file transfer services not only leave themselves vulnerable to data loss, ransomware and a whole range of other cyber threats, but they have no control or visibility of what information is being transferred and who receives it.

Download the Workload Automation Buyer's Guide

Your First Step Towards Purchasing a Workload Automation Solution We know finding the right workload automation solution for your organization isn’t an easy process. There are dozens of details to consider, from 3rd party integrations, to job monitoring and security concerns, that can make choosing a vendor complex. In this ultimate buyer’s guide, you’ll find the information you need to...

Five Secure File Transfer Alternatives to FTP

FTP was a gold standard for file transfers in the 70s. But with today’s cybersecurity concerns, it’s no longer enough. Use these five secure file transfer methods to protect your data instead.

Download "CIO Confidential: 5 Things Your IBM i Security Administrator Should Tell You"

Employees on the front lines often possess insight that manager, directors, and executives lack. Corporate leaders rely on feedback from these professionals, especially when it comes to emerging security threat. But for a variety of reasons, systems administrators might be reluctant to to speak up about critical issues related to IBM i, including the importance of consistently updating...

DMZ Secure Gateways: Secret Weapons for Data Security

Exchanging a high workload of files with customers, employees, and trading partners is common in today's global economy. Add various data security standards to the mix, like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and the GDPR, and protecting sensitive data becomes a challenge many organizations struggle to overcome. In an effort to simplify how file transfers are retrieved, many IT teams install file sharing servers (e...

The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Secure File Transfer Software

We know finding the right file transfer solution for your organization isn’t an easy process. There are dozens of details to consider - from industry and compliance concerns, to critical cybersecurity needs; choosing a vendor can be complex. In this ultimate buyer’s guide, you’ll find the information you need to successfully evaluate different managed file transfer solutions. We cover: The...