

What Can IBM i Offer IT's Young Guns?

IT personnel naturally have their fingers on the pulse of today's innovations and one eye fixed on the future. As a result, each rising generation of systems administrators and application developers seems convinced that they know better than their forefathers and can remedy all kinds of issues with new tools and tricks. Unfortunately, this appetite for innovation can cause overzealous...

How Recoverable Is My IBM i?

See how a two-pronged approach using data backups and a high availability solution could deliver the strongest disaster recovery strategy for your organization.

Automate the Un-Automatable

Automated job scheduling means your batch jobs run smoothly and your stress level goes down, but that’s only half the battle if you’re using labor-intensive, interactive applications that require you to fill out screens to submit a job.

4 Reasons to Add VTLs

Backup and recovery processes are among the unsung heroes of data center operations. Though end results may not be readily apparent on an everyday basis, natural and digital disasters have a way of humbling companies that do not take this risk management discipline seriously.