

Patch Tuesday Update September 2023

This is my 211th Patch Tuesday in a role where I’m performing a complete analysis of the released Microsoft patches. It’s amusing to me to see what has changed and what has stayed the same.

What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud security is the collection of plans, processes, and technologies that allow you to safely manipulate cloud-based data at rest, in use, and in motion. A comprehensive cloud-based security strategy encompasses several key elements.

Evolve Your Security Strategy to Prepare for DORA

Although the DORA compliance deadline is further away, financial institutions regulated by the Act should start preparing their journey now, before the last minute panic keeps knocking on your door. Antonio Sanchez breaks down the five DORA pillars and highlights what it takes to evolve your security effort.

Supply Chain Risk

The supply chains of today’s global economy rely heavily on technology and information systems to deliver finished goods and services to the end user. However, for all the benefits of a hyperconnected economy this introduces, supply chains also carry with them a high degree of risk.

Key Insights for Zero Trust in 2023

With the release of the 2023 Zero Trust Security Report, it’s a good time to reflect on the seismic shifts that have happened in the industry regarding network security. Discover key insights and impacts of Zero Trust in 2023.

Exploring the 2023 Penetration Testing Report: 5 Key Findings

Each year the threat landscape continues to evolve, and security measures must evolve with it. Recently released, Fortra’s 2023 Penetration Testing Report offers a view into the usage and perception of pen testing, with the intent to determine how these services must adapt in the future. Explore a few salient points in this edition that betrayed changes in the penetration testing landscape.

What is DORA and How Can You Achieve Compliance?

When searching online for the new EU Regulation for strengthening the cybersecurity of financial entities and their third-party IT providers, called Digital Operational Resilience Act or DORA, it is almost certain that you will stumble upon Dora the Explorer, the famous kids’ animation.

Are Cybersecurity and Data Protection Now Integral to Business Success?

A famous front cover of The Economist in 2017 declared that the 'world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.' The value of data has indeed increased significantly. Organizations rely on data and data analytics for almost every facet of their operations and use it to make insightful decisions to help move the business forward. Many have invested in the tools and solutions - AI, CRM,...

Acquisition Enables a Return to Form: Chris Bailey

When Fortra acquired FileCatalyst, Chris Bailey eagerly traded his CEO hat for the chance to get back to his first love: product management. Now he uses his expertise to inform the direction of the company’s popular Secure File Transfer solutions.

Ransomware Attacks: Why Email Is Still THE Most Common Delivery Method

Organizations face a growing danger from phishing and ransomware, which have been the most common forms of cybercrime in recent years. Most businesses have fallen victim to phishing or ransomware attacks at some point. Every business needs to act against the growing threat of phishing, the primary method through which ransomware and other malware are spread. On the bright side, organizations have...

Pursuing a New Career Path: Wes Byron

Wes Byron knows it’s never too late to change careers. Fortra gave him the opportunity to pursue his interest in product documentation, and now this dedicated technical writer enjoys supporting customers in a challenging new way.