
Case Study

Major Steel Supplier Strikes Gold with a Document and Forms Management Solution and Superb Support

Paperwork and steel go hand-in-hand for one major steel supplier (MSS) with locations across North America. Every piece of steel they ship includes paperwork assuring customers of the quality of the product they’re receiving.But MSS had a problem: their processes were keeping them from meeting customer expectations. It was time to make a change.The Paperwork ProblemPre-printed forms and Dot matrix...

Do You Need Enterprise Scheduling Software?

Job scheduling was simpler when you only needed to worry about your IBM i (AS400) server and its batch processes, but several dynamics have changed over the past decade which have forced us into worrying about processes on other platforms.

Automate the Un-Automatable

Automated job scheduling means your batch jobs run smoothly and your stress level goes down, but that’s only half the battle if you’re using labor-intensive, interactive applications that require you to fill out screens to submit a job.
Case Study

Halcyon Helps Computacenter Deliver Efficient Managed Services

Computacenter is Europe’s leading independent provider of IT infrastructure services. They offer consulting services as well as implementation and operation services for networks and data center infrastructures on or off client premises and in the cloud. ...

A Modern Approach to Performance Management

Using modern performance monitoring tools, you can build a successful strategy for performance management and quickly add value in your organization.

User Interfaces: GUI vs. WUI

You might be asking yourself, “What’s a WUI?” At Robot, WUI stands for web user interface, and we think it has some big benefits that are giving the GUI a run for its money.

Who's Afraid of IASPs?

As IASP technology continues to grow, so will its uses for high availability (HA) and backups. The result of that will be shrinking hardware costs and complexity and increased redundancy.

Get a Handle on Your Job Stream with Forecasting

A Robot Schedule forecast shows you the run activity scheduled for all Robot Schedule jobs over a time period that you specify. Robot Schedule uses the job schedule, job completion history, and any information you add for user jobs, remote prerequisites, and members of remote groups to make its forecast.