

Common Excuses for Not Automating

Whether it’s staffing, budget, or complexity, we’ve heard all the excuses to forgo automation. The next time you hear—or find yourself making—an excuse, have the response ready.

Robot Autotune

Automate the time-consuming task of tuning your IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) system with Robot Autotune. Robot Autotune continuously adjusts your system performance and uses a breakthrough technique of isolating each batch job in its own dynamic pool as it is submitted.

Mobile NOW for Robot Network

The web interface for Robot Network is a browser-based tool that uses Fortra Insite to help you access system performance data for your network of IBM i systems from any laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can also work in the Robot Network Status Center to see and respond to messages and other events that have been escalated to the Robot Network host system.

Robot Network

You want to manage your Robot software solutions and get a high-level look at performance metrics from a single view. Robot Network gives you the one-stop management you’ve been searching for.

Remember the IFS!

Ask any security professional which area of IBM i security is most often ignored and chances are that the unanimous response is a chorus of “the Integrated File System.” Although it’s been around since V3R1, the Integrated File System, or IFS, remains a shrouded mystery that represents significant risk to many IBM i organizations.

Powertech Command Security for IBM i

Using Command Security, you identify which commands you want to monitor, specify the conditions under which the command should be secured, and define the actions to take when the conditions are met. Schedule a demo today.

Powertech Authority Broker for IBM i

Satisfy your auditor requirements with reports that provide a complete audit trail of privileged user activity with Powertech Authority Broker for IBM i. Schedule a demo today.

The Many Ways Robot Supports SNMP

Many devices send status updates using SNMP or simple network management protocol. Make sure you’re getting the message. Read on to see how Robot supports SNMP.

How “Smash and Grab” Compromises IBM i

During an audit a few years ago, I revealed to the client’s security team that corporate payroll information on every employee, including the CEO, was being archived in an output queue (called PAYROLL) for weeks at a time. Due to poor configuration, this information was accessible to every employee.

The Modern Alternative to Authority Adoption

There are several considerations with authority adoption. Each is important but can usually be accommodated. But what is the effect if the program owner has the same or less privileges than the user that called the program?