

Automate & Automate BPA Server 9.0.3 Release

Version 9.0.3 of both Automate and Automate BPA Server has just been released. Version 9.0.3 addresses 44 issues, including various action enhancements and issues that were introduced in 9.0.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2. With each release, however minor, we want to continue our efforts to deliver a more stable software to our customers. /blog/automate-automate-bpa-server-903-release

Automate VMware - Automate 8 Tour: Part 2

Text The Benefits of Virtualization Virtualization is one of the hottest trends in I.T. today. Virtualization has valuable applications for controlling hardware costs, minimizing downtime, and many quality...
Case Study

AAA Life Leverages Robot for IT Efficiency

As Senior Systems Engineer, Randy Wittner has over 25 years of experience on IBM i, and AAA Life was not the first place he encountered Robot. “I’ve worked at many companies that have had Robot Schedule, so good market share,” said Wittner. “It’s very reliable, easy to upgrade. It automates a lot for us in our process.”
Case Study

How CalSTRS Benefits from Real-Time Mapping and Monitoring

"InterMapper's probes poll all our devices twice a minute. They return a lot of information: if the device is alive, if it's responding to SNMP, and if all the interfaces are up." - Shawn Hickox, Lead Network Engineer of Enterprise Iniatives and Technology
Case Study

Intermapper Helps Alcatel-Lucent Australia Locate Business

“We are able to see just want we want through the firewall without having to introduce anything new at customer sites. Our customers are excited about this value-added service." - Guy Bryant, Project Director, Mobile/Fixed Systems Division at Alcatel-Lucent Australia