

The Query Decision-Making Kit

Is Query/400 still cutting it? Probably not. You’ve most likely heard that there are other data access tools out there, but you might not be sure which one is right for you—or even if it’s the right time to upgrade. The Query Decision-Making Kit can help. For starters, you want data access to be simple, no matter your skill level. You want the option to view visual data in real-time, access data...

UNIX Load Average Part 1: How It Works

In this online article Dr. Gunther digs down into the UNIX kernel to find out how load averages (the “LA Triplets”) are calculated and how appropriate they are as capacity planning metrics.

UNIX Load Average: Reweighed

This is an unexpected Part 3 to the discussion about the UNIX load average metric answering the question of where the weight factor comes from.

The “LA Triplets” Quiz

This is a little quiz to test your understanding of the triplet of numbers that appear in the UNIX® load average (LA) performance metric.