

10 Ways GoAnywhere MFT can Improve Your Efficiency on the IBM i

Are you using homegrown processes in your organization to send files on the IBM i? Between the knowledge required to write and maintain file transfer scripts, the time spent on creating user profiles for every file recipient, and the hassle of solving connection problems so data is always delivered successfully, manual IBM i transfers can be...

Recommended QSECURITY Level for IBM i

The system security level (QSECURTY) sets the overall tone for your IBM i security posture. Read this blog post to learn how many organizations are following IBM's best practices.


The data below is taken from the 2021 State of IBM i Security Study, which provides compelling insight into the security posture of 247 IBM i servers and partitions—systems that are often used for business-critical data, payment card data, and personally identifiable information (PII). The full study can be accessed here. ...

What Is SIEM?

SIEM (security information and event management) software provides insights into potential security threats through data normalization and threat prioritization, giving IT professionals an effective method of automating processes and centralizing security management in a way that helps them simplify the difficult task of protecting sensitive data.

3 Ways Malware Can Reach Your IFS

It's true that IBM i can't be infected by a PC virus. It's also true that the IFS can act as a host and spread malicious programs throughout your environment.

What GDPR Fines Mean for IBM i

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has changed the way organisations around the world approach data security. Even if your centre of operations is nowhere near Europe, you must take stock of your IBM i security controls and evaluate what this compliance law means for you if you are processing personal data from people located in the...