

Workload Automation (WLA) vs. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automation remains a popular technology for businesses of all kinds. Within the realm of automation, there are a lot of acronyms representing different tools and approaches—two of the most common are workload automation (WLA) and robotic process automation (RPA). As you plan your strategy, it’s important to understand the differences of workload automation vs. robotic process automation. Both...

Are Cybersecurity and Data Protection Now Integral to Business Success?

A famous front cover of The Economist in 2017 declared that the 'world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.' The value of data has indeed increased significantly. Organizations rely on data and data analytics for almost every facet of their operations and use it to make insightful decisions to help move the business forward. Many have invested in the tools and solutions - AI, CRM,...

Acquisition Enables a Return to Form: Chris Bailey

When Fortra acquired FileCatalyst, Chris Bailey eagerly traded his CEO hat for the chance to get back to his first love: product management. Now he uses his expertise to inform the direction of the company’s popular Secure File Transfer solutions.

Ransomware Attacks: Why Email Is Still THE Most Common Delivery Method

Organizations face a growing danger from phishing and ransomware, which have been the most common forms of cybercrime in recent years. Most businesses have fallen victim to phishing or ransomware attacks at some point. Every business needs to act against the growing threat of phishing, the primary method through which ransomware and other malware are spread. On the bright side, organizations have...

Pursuing a New Career Path: Wes Byron

Wes Byron knows it’s never too late to change careers. Fortra gave him the opportunity to pursue his interest in product documentation, and now this dedicated technical writer enjoys supporting customers in a challenging new way.

Putting a Hug Around Acquisitions: Donnie MacColl

Donnie MacColl says Fortra makes acquisitions successful by putting a hug around the companies it welcomes to the family. Discover why the senior director of technical services and GDPR data protection officer says he’s never been happier at work.

What’s It Like to Be in Customer Operations at Fortra?

Our Customer Operations team helps build positive, long-lasting customer relationships. Learn how these specialists handle maintenance renewals, account updates, and licensing changes—and why they love virtual team coffee breaks.

A Spotlight on Cybersecurity: 2022 Trends and 2023 Predictions

In 2022, geopolitical unrest and an expanding online attack surface contributed to the emergence of several themes across the cyber landscape. Infrastructures associated with opposing ideologies were highly targeted, with government agencies, supply chains, and IOT devices falling victim to high-profile campaigns. Cybercriminals launched...

How to Recognize and Respond to Emerging Social Media Cybersecurity Threats

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. LinkedIn. YouTube. Pinterest. Mastodon. The list goes on. Whether you love or loathe social media, these platforms have become integral to how we communicate as individuals and businesses. Cybercriminals have also taken note, embracing these communication channels wholeheartedly to reach vast audiences quickly,...

From HR Generalist to Sr. Director of HR: Jordan Bengtson

Jordan Bengtson, senior director of HR at Fortra, truly enjoys the global team he leads and the strategic initiatives he has managed. Hear how the company’s growth has given him opportunities for advancement and what advice he has for new hires.

Making an Impact Every Day: Renee Ritter

Renee Ritter oversees global partner relationships as channel vice president. Learn about the acquisition that brought her to Fortra and why she praises the unapologetically high bar the company sets for its culture.

Automation vs Hyperautomation: Learn the Differences

Gartner forecast a $600 billion global market in 2022 for technology that powers hyperautomation. Without a doubt, hyperautomation has quickly moved from an industry buzzword to the way companies of all sizes approach automation. Surveys from the technology research and consulting firm show that a majority of CEOs and two-thirds of boards of directors are demanding operational excellence and...

Preparing for the Impact of PCI DSS 4.0

Stealing credit card data is a perennial favorite of cybercriminals everywhere, whose aggressive tactics to score sensitive accountholder details result in breach after breach for organizations small and large. In its most recent research on payment card fraud, The Nilson Report found $28.6 billion in losses for 2020 (nearly 36% in the U.S. alone),...

Evolving the Brand From HelpSystems to Fortra: Mike Devine

Over the past year, the chief marketing officer at Fortra has led the company’s effort to build upon its HelpSystems roots and redefine its role as a cybersecurity beacon for threat-weary security professionals. Learn about the monumental effort required to update the brand and why there’s a groundswell of excitement about what it means for the future.

What's It Like to Be in Development at Fortra? 

Fortra has a dedicated global development team of creative problem solvers who excel at collaboration. Hear from several of our software engineers why they love their jobs and how they spend their days.